Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) is one of the largest and oldest technological universities in Lithuania, as well as one of the largest in the Baltic States. More than 2000 academic staff members are employed at 9 faculties and 8 research institutes. Over 8000 students are enrolled in Bachelor, Master and PhD programs. KTU currently participates in Horizon 2020 projects, COST Actions, INTERREG EUROPE projects and receives funding from the European structural and investment funds. Carrying out 70 percent of all the R&D provided by Lithuanian universities, it offers innovations for business and industry at national and international level. In addition to providing cutting-edge research and education, KTU engages in technology transfer and knowledge exchange through our strong linkages to the private sector, including in the field of low-carbon innovation, cleaner production methods and circular economy.
The Institute of Environmental Engineering (APINI) is a multidisciplinary research institute, who has built up an international reputation for quality environmental research and innovative teaching for two decades. The institute seeks critical evaluation and innovations in its learning, teaching, research, management, and other activities, propagates innovative technologies, fosters the development of the knowledge society, and actively furthers the preparation of the national long-term development strategy. The research activities of the institute reflect the specific experiences of the involved researchers, realises important synergies, and gives preference to the best available innovations in the field of sustainable development and circular economy.
KTU Responsibilities:
As a leading partner in the TOO4TO project, KTU will be responsible for the creation of the first intellectual output, the Dynamic Material Bank. KTU will also contribute to the other intellectual outputs and dissemination activities.

Website of the University: https://en.ktu.edu/
Website of the Institute: https://apinien.ktu.edu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ktuapini/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ktuvideo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KTUapini ; https://www.facebook.com/KTUsustainability
Key persons: Inga Gurauskienė, Gabrielė Čepeliauskaitė, Aušra Randė