Turku University of Applied Sciences Ltd. (Turku UAS) is a multidisciplinary institution of higher education that offers competitive qualifications for international careers in seven educational fields. One of the main aims of Turku UAS is the development of higher professional education and expertise in Southwest Finland. Future-oriented education and RDI measures contribute to prosperity and well-being based on ecologically and ethically sustainable development.

Turku UAS hosts 10 000 students studying for a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. The range of the degree programmes provides a good platform for interdisciplinary learning. Turku UAS  is engaged in lively co-operation with its international partners around the world for example in terms of student and staff exchanges as well as numerous international projects.
Global Gateway (GG) research Group is one of the research groups at Turku University of Applied Sciences. The Global Gateway research group focuses on helping companies and organisations develop their international skills in order to strengthen their ability to operate in a constantly changing operating environment. The service sector expands strongly and digitalization makes it possible for companies to enter new markets and find new business opportunities, which increases the need for international skills.


In the TOO4TO project, Turku UAS will be the leading partner for the creation of the 4th intellectual output IO4, the Guide to Virtual Teams, Moreover, Turku UAS is responsible for integrating Innopeda®pedagogical strategy in the IO1 and IO2 (course curriculum and course implementation). Apart from that, it will contribute to the creation of other intellectual outputs and project deliverables, as well as dissemination activities.


Website:  https://www.tuas.fi/en/

Twitter:   https://twitter.com/TurkuAMK  

Linkedin:  https://www.linkedin.com/school/turku-university-of-applied-  sciences/mycompany/ 

Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/turkuamk/ 

Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/user/TurunAMK 

Key persons: Marjatta Rännäli, Mervi Varhelahti, Susanna Saari